jeudi 5 novembre 2015

Chocolate Peanut butter Cups

Note: the chocolate component for this recipe is rich and bitter because of the use of cacao power. If you don't like dark chocolate that much, I would suggest using melted milk chocolate as an alternative to the cacao powder and coconut oil (roughly 1/2 cup melted chocolate- this is just an estimate) 


1/2 cup cacao power or cocoa powder (I used LovingEarth) 
1/2 cup melted coconut oil (I used LovingEarth) 
3 tbs honey, melted
1/2 cup peanut butter, melted 


1. In a medium-sized bowl, place cacao powder. Then add in your melted coconut oil (microwave for about 30 seconds) and melted honey (microwave for about 10 seconds) 
2. Whisk together until there are no clumps 
3. Pour 2 tbs of the chocolate mixture into a medium-sized cupcake mould. Then place in the freezer for about 6 minutes or until hard 
4. Remove from freezer and then place 1-2 tbs of peanut butter into the centre of each chocolate. Use a spoon to flatten the peanut butter 
5. Then top the peanut butter layer with another 2 tbs of your chocolate mixture. Make sure that you can see no peanut butter- you want to have a smooth layer of chocolate once it's set 
6. Place in the freezer for about 10 minutes or until firm and Enjoy! 

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